Karate Authority Of India KAI

Karate Authority of India. (KAI) Government Registration Number: WB10A0028162 Affiliated with the International Karate Authority. IKA. International Registration Number: 0077KSD/2020 Accredited to the World Karate Authority. WKA. Worldwide Registration Number: G_219825/282015 Madrid, Spain. Recognized By the Bureau of IOC, WUKO, WUKF, WKF, AKF, JKF. Contact us: We love the martial arts . We l ove it like we love our children, our freedom, our history. We love the martial a rts as much as we love to train, as much as we love the rush of the right technique at exactly the right moment, as much as we love the thrill of a good contest. At Indian Institute of Martial Arts -IIMA we are committed to the entire "village" that is the world of martial arts . We are here for the fighter, t...